Conquering the #1 Killer: Proven Strategies for Optimal Heart Health

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  • Instructor
    Michael Fenster, M.D.
  • Level
    Beginner - Intermediate
  • Study time
    30 minutes
  • Video time
    74 minutes
  • Final exam and downloadable resources

Here is what we will cover in
this course

What Exactly is CAD?

Watch a clear explanation, along with graphic details, of what coronary artery disease (CAD) really is and how it leads to a heart attacks.

How It's Diagnosed

Learn about the various modalities to diagnosis CAD.

Treatment Options

Find out what common treatment options exist for CAD.

Risk Factors You Control

It's vital to learn how to minimize your chances of falling prey to this global killer.

Prevention is Key

A high percentage of heart attacks are preventable...but you must understand how to protect yourself.

Culinary Medicine 

Learn what culinary medicine is and how it can impact your health.